
Friday, July 6, 2012

Samsung and Google V.S. Apple . . . . . still

Longtime mobile partners Google and Samsung have been battling it out in the courts with Apple for quite some time now and a recent injunction filed by Judge Lucy Koh has now made it illegal to sell the Samsung Galaxy Nexus in the USA.  Samsung of course did try and stay the ban but that was denied by Koh.  Google recently announced the sale of its Nexus line of devices again direct from the internet giant but has since pulled the phone from there online store.  So what did Google and Samsung do wrong to warrant pulling the phone?  If you ask me, not much but I'm not a lawyer and I don't know who owns what patent just like any other Joe Consumer out there.  Now all this fuss is over the unified search bar show in the picture above.  Apple believes they already have a patent for a "universal interface for retrieval of information in a computer system" as they put it.  I can't believe that they would make a stink about how the phone is searched.  In hopes to have this ban removed a Google spokesperson said an update to simplify or dumb down the search bar is in the works.  I personally have this phone and I hope they get this resolved soon, luckily Google now, a new search feature in Jelly Bean Android 4.1 will not be at risk and will still be included.

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