
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Philips may have replaced the 60W light bulb

The most popular bulb in the world currently is the 60 watt incandescent light bulb, but that may be changing soon.  The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 directed the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to establish the Bright Tomorrow Lighting Prize (L Prize) competition. The L Prize competition is the first government-sponsored technology competition designed to spur development of ultra-efficient solid-state lighting products to replace common lighting products.  First on the list was the ever so popular 60 watt incandescent light bulb.  To win this competition the new LED bulbs are put to the test and must meet rigorous technical specifications before being crowned a winner.  A few of these are maintaining at least 80% of bulb output across the life of the bulb and produce 150lm/w (lumens per watt).  A lumen is how we rate the brightness of a bulb, the higher the lumens the brighter the bulb will be.  So I'm sure by the picture you can take a stab at the company that won the $10 million dollar prize + bragging rights, and that would be Philips.  The competition that created this bulb was started in 2007 and has since been closed, so why the hell are you writing about this I bet your asking?  Well that is because this bulb that one the competition in 2011 is now available for purchase in a store near you.  However with new tech like this there is always a premium to pay set at $60 retail.  The bulbs will last 25,000 hours or 20 years if you use it an hour a day so I think the price is justified plus there will be some rebates for energy saving etc. to lower the cost.  With all this success it has been a bit of a catalyst and another competition is in the midst, this time for the Par 38 bulb.  Another popular bulb usually found in outdoor flood lights and garden lights.  Hopefully this one will be on sale soon too.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

iOS 5.1.1 untethered . . . . finally!!!

The long awaited jailbreak for iOS devices running 5.1.1 is finally here.  After the 3rd gen iPad was released with iOS 5.0.1 many users were itching to jail break there brand new device (along with iPhone 4S users) that itch can now be scratched with the release of Absinthe 2.0 (at time of writing current Absinthe version is 2.1) , a program you run on your computer that will jailbreak your iOS device.  The word on the street about the new jailbreak is that it is so easy to do your Grandmother could do it.  I guess the caveman bit has run its course!  The new jailbreak is available to most iOS devices out right now.
  • iPhone 4S
  • iPhone 4
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPad 3
  • iPad 2
  • iPad 1
  • iPod touch 3G
  • iPod touch 4G
  • Apple TV 2G
So if your device is on the list head on over to The Absinthe website to download the jailbreak.  If not stay patient there may be one out soon.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Facebook to buy

Face book is allegedly on the move again and may be purchasing now for a speculated $100M.  Facebook has recently made headline news with the IPO launch and the acquisition of the niche camera app Instagram. is all about facial recognition and it is quite obvious why Zuckerburg may be interested in them.  Pictures on Facebook are a huge part of the social networking giants success and anything they can do to improve that will put more money in there pockets.  If this happens Facebook will greatly improve there facial recognition on the mobile side and will have completed its second buy out of a company.  I use Facebook quite heavily but do not upload many pictures and the ones I do are not tagged, but I can see this being a huge advantage to some users who do tag there photos.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Intro post: hello world

Hey whats going on people, names Ted.  First post to just kind of lay out what I would like to do with this space.  I am a huge tech junkie and I love music.  So obviously that is what this will primarily be about.  There will be a few randoms here but I wont deviate far from the techie/music world.  Maybe some things that inspire or interest me.  But we'll see.